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Model De Cerere De Concediu
ANNEXATTESTATION OF ACTIVITIES 1 (REGULATION (EC) 561/2006 OR THE AETR2) To be filled in by typing and signed before a journey. To be kept with the original control device records wherever they are required to be kept FALSE ATTESTATIONS CONSTITUTE AN INFRINGEMENT Part to be filled in by the undertaking(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)Name of the undertaking: Street address, postal code, city, country: , , , Telephone number (including international prefix): Fax number (including international prefix): E-mail address:I, the undersigned: Name and first name Position in the undertaking:declare that the driver: Name and first name: Date of birth (day/month/year): // Driving licence or identity card or passport number: who has started to work at the undertaking on (day/month/year): //for the period: from (hour/day/month/year): /// to (hour/day/month/year):/// was on sick leave*** was on annual leave*** was on leave or rest*** drove a vehicle exempted from the scope of Regulation (EC) 561/2006 or the AETR*** performed other work than driving*** was available*** Place: Date:Signature: I, the driver, confirm that I have not been driving a vehicle falling under the scope of Regulation (EC) 561/2006 or the AETR during the period mentioned above. Place: Date: Signature of the driver:1 2This form is available in electronic and printable versions at the following address: European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles engaged in International Road Transport. *** Choose only one boxENEN
Modele De Cereri
Variante: holiday request, holiday leave request, vacation leave request, etc. Referinţe şi formulare uşor de găsit pe internet.
E mai mult ca sigur vorba despre nota de plecare în concediu.
NOTA DE PLECARE IN CONCEDIU. Subsemnatul (a)……………………………….....angajat (a) al ... va rog sa binevoiti a-mi aproba plecarea in concediu legal de odihna...
Note added at 1 day21 hrs (2011-01-18 15:17:12 GMT)
…time when one has permission to be absent from work or from duty in the armed forces… (
Definition of LEAVE (noun)
a : permission to do something b : authorized especially extended absence from duty or employment
Related to LEAVE
Synonyms: break, holiday [chiefly British], hols [British], vacation, recess
Note added at 1 day21 hrs (2011-01-18 15:23:13 GMT)
Un formular cu 11 tipuri de 'leave', unele plătite, altele nu:
Model De Cerere De Concediu
Ai nevoie sa pleci in concediu, trebuie sa alcatuiesti o cerere, te-ai saturat de locul de munca tot o cerere trebuie sa completezi. Cererea este un document. Cerere demisie fara preaviz model de demisie utilizat in situatia in care preavizul nu este necesar, adica in cazul acordului ambelor parti. Iti oferim mai jos un model de cerere de angajare. Iata cum trebuie sa formulezi aceasta cerere LEGISLATIAMUNCII. RO Legislatia muncii Contract de munca Demisia fara preaviz conform art 81 Codului Muncii.